Ray Updates: Ability to further customize printouts, delete patient profiles and more

The past few weeks have been a rollercoaster ride at Practo. The team has been working days and nights together on providing enhancements and improving the features in Ray v6, based on your valuable feedback. So here’s a list of the new features in Ray v6, providing you with a better experience.

Option to delete Patient Profiles

Option to delete patients

Option to delete Clinical notes

Option to delete clinical notes

Option to delete Procedures

Option to delete procedures

It is now possible to delete patient profiles, clinical notes and even procedures in Ray v6

Summary report for income

income report

You can now view the extensive summary of your income earned in our reports section

Add specifications to prescriptions

prescription dosage

We know how important specifications are during drug prescription, therefore you can now add fractional values such as 0.5 mg while prescribing the dosage of drugs for your patients

Customized printouts for invoices

Customized printouts for invoice

We have also enhanced printouts. You can now even get customized printouts for the invoice raised.

It’s your feedback that keeps us going and helps us serve you better. So keep sending us your feedback, and watch out for this space every week for new features that we will add to Ray v6.