Treatment Plans and Completed Procedures with Improved Legibility

We’ve spruced up Treatment Plans and Completed Procedures to make it easier to read for you. We should also mention that it looks way better now, and all the information you need is neatly organised.

Treatment Plans

To make it easier on your eyes, we’ve organised everything in a tabular structure. We’ve packed in all the information you need: From patient details, to Treatment Plan information with the doctor’s name. We’ve also reduced the size of each Treatment Plan entry, which does two things : It makes it easy for you to pick out information, and you don’t have to scroll around the screen as much as you did before.

Treatment Plans

Completed Procedures

We’ve applied the same principles of making the information as crystal-clear as possible here. We’ve arranged everything so you don’t have to search for anything. You get the benefits of reduced scrolling and increased legibility in this as well. Actually, why don’t you look below and see for yourself?

Completed Procedures