Ray Updates : Enhanced Reports

This week brings you a handful of updates which give you a better insight on transactions and money matters at your clinic.

Daily summary reports now have a column for Mode of Payment

It gives you a quick overview of the invoiced amount and payment received from every patient who had an appointment at your clinic on that particular day. It also gives you the breakup of total amount received through the different modes of payment such as cash, MasterCard, VISA, NEFT, cheque etc.


Payment reports now has a column on Fee

The related report titled ‘Payment Received Per Doctor’ now has a column on ‘Fee’ which refers to the card vendor fee. Every time you accept a payment from a patient via credit card or debit card, a small percentage of that payment goes to the card vendor. This card vendor fee depends on the class of service you have subscribed to and the type of card ( eg: VISA, MasterCard ) your patient used to make a payment.


Aging Amount Due Report

You now have an ‘Aging Amount Due Report’ which gives you a quick overview of unpaid invoice amount over a period of time. The amount mentioned under the column titled ‘Net Amount/Due’ is followed by ‘adv’ if its an advance and ‘due’ if its a due amount.


There are more updates coming up this week. Stay tuned.