Category Archives: Practo Ray

Ray Updates : Enhanced Reports

This week brings you a handful of updates which give you a better insight on transactions and money matters at your clinic.

Daily summary reports now have a column for Mode of Payment

It gives you a quick overview of the invoiced amount and payment received from every patient who had an appointment at your clinic on that particular day. It also gives you the breakup of total amount received through the different modes of payment such as cash, MasterCard, VISA, NEFT, cheque etc.


Payment reports now has a column on Fee

The related report titled ‘Payment Received Per Doctor’ now has a column on ‘Fee’ which refers to the card vendor fee. Every time you accept a payment from a patient via credit card or debit card, a small percentage of that payment goes to the card vendor. This card vendor fee depends on the class of service you have subscribed to and the type of card ( eg: VISA, MasterCard ) your patient used to make a payment.


Aging Amount Due Report

You now have an ‘Aging Amount Due Report’ which gives you a quick overview of unpaid invoice amount over a period of time. The amount mentioned under the column titled ‘Net Amount/Due’ is followed by ‘adv’ if its an advance and ‘due’ if its a due amount.


There are more updates coming up this week. Stay tuned.

Ray updates : Neat and better Printouts

With our recent updates all your report printouts now come in neat and readable font sizes.

Thermal receipt printouts in readable font sizes

You can now provide your patients with Thermal receipt printouts that are clear and readable.


Invoice printouts include payment details


Printouts needn’t mention patient details

You can now choose to exclude patient details such as gender and date of birth from all printouts.


Stay tuned to this space for more updates.



Ray Updates : More comprehensive reports

This weeks release brings you a handful of updates that have made your reports more comprehensive.

Reports now display the grand total

All your reports will now display the grand total at the top of the each column. This will be the sum up of all the values under that respective column.


Sorting Accounting Reports

You now have the option to sort the data on your reports. Just click on the title of each column to sort the values either in the decreasing or increasing order. For example, in the screenshot shown below, sorting helps you get a quick overview of the date that saw the highest invoice intake.


Watch this space for more exciting updates.

Ray Updates: Better association between doctors and procedures

Keeping track of your invoices and procedures just got quicker with our recent updates.

A new procedure added will display the previously selected doctor

Now every time you add a new procedure, by default the previously selected doctor from the doctor list is displayed. With this automated, we ensure that you don’t waste time selecting repetitive information.


Invoices will now mention the names of the doctors

Your invoices will now display the name of the doctor who administered the procedure.


Even your invoice printouts will mention the doctor’s name.


 Stay tuned to this space for more updates.

Ray Updates: Enhanced prescription templates and case sheet printouts

The recent updates to our EMR section will help you enhance patient care at your clinic.

Prescription templates now specify additional notes

We now provide you with comprehensive prescription templates with the option to save additional notes. So now every time you choose one or more prescription templates from the list on the sidebar, the additional notes get added in. This feature helps you get a quick overview of certain observations made by you at the time of prescription.


Case sheet printouts now include procedures performed

You can now provide your patients with case sheet printouts that include details on all the procedures performed during the period of treatment.


 Stay tuned to this space for more updates.

Ray Updates: Improved Payment and Appointment Reports

Our most recent update on accounting reports helps you keep track of your transactions better.

Payment Reports now specify payment vendors

Your payment reports will now display the breakup of amounts received through various payment vendors. This clear breakup of the payments will help you can stay on top of the billing at your practice.

payment report

Appointment Reports show appointment time, check-in and check-out time

You can now view the appointment time, check-in time, check-out time and treatment duration of each of your patients. 


Watch this space for more exciting updates.

Ray Updates: Add Invoice details in printouts & 6 more features

Here’s the list of new features added to Ray v6 this week –

1. Add invoice details to printouts

You now have the option to add invoice details in your receipt printouts. Instead of having two documents, this one printout with contain both invoice and payment details.


2. Age specifications in days and months for children

You can now view age details of infants below 1 year in months, and for children below 12 years age will be displayed in years and months

Age specifications for infants and children

3. Printout option for Reports

You can now print your reports

reports printout option

4. Print Patient Ledger

You can now even take a printout of a patient’s ledger statement

print ledger

5. Product News

We have an improved product news section. On the menu bar you will now be able to see a numbered bubble that contains all the latest product updates at Practo.

Screen Shot 2013-05-30 at 6.14.22 PM

6. Dot Matrix and Thermal paper printouts

You now have the option to take dot matrix and thermal paper printouts for all sections

dot matrix printouts

7. Dates of Procedures and Doctor names can be printed on Invoices

You now can add details of the date when a procedure was done and also the doctor name in an invoice printout.

date and doctor name on invoice printout

Watch this space for more exciting updates next week.

Ray v6 – 35 New Features


  1. Appointment to Payment in seconds

From scheduling an appointment on your calendar to initiating a payment for the completed procedure just takes a few seconds

2.  Comprehensive Case sheets

Get detailed information on your patient’s medical  history with case sheets. Save on time and effort during future references

 case sheet



  1. Accurate Reports

50+ smart reports to help you completely analyze every aspect of your practice

 accurate reports


  1. Robust Billing system

A whole new billing system with clear distinction between invoices and payments




  1. Improved Patient Profile Management

Manage your patients better by adding more details to every profile

 patient profile


  1. Intuitive Timeline

Get an overview of every clinic-patient interaction and medical history with the timeline. You can selectively choose a patient’s prescription, invoice and payment to print a case sheet



  1. Referral sources

Now you can get to know which sources are you being referred by, helping you analyze which sources are working for you the most

 referral sources


  1. Family relation details

You now have the option to add family relation details that will help you analyze a patient’s medical history. You can also wish them on special occasions

 family relation


  1. Patient Notes

Add multiple notes for each patient. These notes can be seen by all members of your staff.

 patient notes


  1. Secondary Mobile number

Add your patient’s secondary mobile number to reach out to them always. SMS will be automatically sent to this number if the primary number is not reachable.

secondary mobile number


  1. Clinical Notes

Now capture the chief complaints, observations and chart a diagnosis for your patients in seconds

 clinical notes


  1. Take Patient Photos with Webcam

Your files can now be integrated with webcam, allowing you to click a patient’s picture and upload it to their profile then and there



  1. Mark observations on radiology images

You can add annotations and tags to files for easier management



  1. Print Receipts

You can print receipts for every financial transaction

 print receipt


  1. Complete Ledger record

Get a detailed list of all amount paid, amount due from each patient



  1. Track Patient Analytics

You can now get daily and monthly reports on every new patient that visits you

track patient analytics


  1. Advance Payments

You can now accept advance payments for a planned treatment

 advance payments


  1. Better Prescriptions

Add precise information on drug dosage and the frequency at which it needs to be taken

 better prescriptions


  1. Drag and drop to upload files

Drag files from folders on your computer and add to your Ray browser

 drag and drop files


  1. Assign procedures done to multiple doctors

Multiple procedures that are done on the same day can now be assigned to individual doctors who performed it. Add discounts also for each procedure

 assign procedures to doctors


  1. Track your appointment details

Get detailed information on each patient’s check in time, waiting duration, engagement time and check out time.

 track appointment details


  1. Partial Payments

You have the option to accept partial payments

 partial payments


  1. Tax Categories

You can now collect and keep track of taxes that are applicable

 tax categories


  1. Settlements

You can provide refunds or settle past payments

settle advance


  1. Enhanced Procedure Catalogues

Get a complete list of prices for each procedure. You can even get information on treatments that are taxable

 enhanced procedure catalogues


  1. Define your Mode of Payment

You now have the option to accept payment by multiple modes – cash, cheque, online

 define mode of payment


  1. Track transaction fee for card payments

You can now track payment transaction fee for each card payment made

track transaction fee


  1. Advanced filters for reports

Every report now has advanced filters helping you get accurate data

 advanced filters for reports


  1. Track amount dues

You can now track amount due not only from each procedure but each doctor as well

track amount dues


  1. Customize your Printouts

Your printouts can now be customized as per your requirements

customize printouts


  1. Choose from Colour or greyscale printouts

You can now provide colour and greyscale options for printouts

colour and greyscale option


  1. Share Case Sheets with Patients

You can print detailed patient profiles that will include his address, blood group and other details, helping your patients in insurance claims

share casesheet with patients


  1. Header for every page

Every page will now have a header

header for every page


  1. Customized headers

You can customize your header text as per your needs

customized headers


  1. Logo sizes as per your needs

We now have three different types of logo sizes for better customization

logo sizes



Ray Updates: Ability to further customize printouts, delete patient profiles and more

The past few weeks have been a rollercoaster ride at Practo. The team has been working days and nights together on providing enhancements and improving the features in Ray v6, based on your valuable feedback. So here’s a list of the new features in Ray v6, providing you with a better experience.

Option to delete Patient Profiles

Option to delete patients

Option to delete Clinical notes

Option to delete clinical notes

Option to delete Procedures

Option to delete procedures

It is now possible to delete patient profiles, clinical notes and even procedures in Ray v6

Summary report for income

income report

You can now view the extensive summary of your income earned in our reports section

Add specifications to prescriptions

prescription dosage

We know how important specifications are during drug prescription, therefore you can now add fractional values such as 0.5 mg while prescribing the dosage of drugs for your patients

Customized printouts for invoices

Customized printouts for invoice

We have also enhanced printouts. You can now even get customized printouts for the invoice raised.

It’s your feedback that keeps us going and helps us serve you better. So keep sending us your feedback, and watch out for this space every week for new features that we will add to Ray v6.